While we are all working from home, these tips should help you through these unusual times. We’ve given you some simple working from home tips, so your productivity is strong, so you are not procrastinating or struggling with your mental health.

1. Structure the day

First, and probably the most important, is ensuring you have a structure for your day when you work from home. Starting at the same time allows you to be as productive as you can be throughout the day. Your normal routine into work would include, travel whether that be in a car on public transport. If that has changed to rolling out of bed, it isn’t a surprise if your mornings in work are becoming less productive.

2. Dedicate a space to work

Find a space to work. This is an obvious one but having space to work ensures you can create a desk or office space like you have in your normal working environment.  Ensure you have a comfortable space to sit, grab yourself an ergonomic chair, which will give you total comfort as you work from home.


man with laptop working from home

3. Work when you’re more productive

Now, some of us will have to stick to specific working hours whether be 9-5 or 12-8, but you may be allowed to work when it suits you best. If you’re a morning person stick to the classic 9-5 shift. Or split your day up into four sections, so you can do four two hour shifts. Whatever you find to be more productive you should try, what suits you.

productivity sign with a male on his phone in an office

4. Stay connected with technology

Ensure you improve your mental health by talking to colleagues as regularly as you can. When you’re often sat in the office, you’ll chat about goings-on in your life to the people you work with, don’t change this even though your working life has changed. These distractions will take you away from work briefly, a much-needed break that’ll help with productivity.

5. Don’t be afraid to take breaks

Working from home shouldn’t mean your breaks stop. Go make yourself a cup of tea or coffee and take yourself away from your computer. You can go for a walk during your dinner break, fresh air will always do you some good, and it is proven that the great outdoors will improve your mental health.

Hopefully, these tips can help you enjoy, and be more productive when working from home. We would like to thank all of our keyworkers, who are the front line in tackling the coronavirus. We take our hats off to each and every one of you, you’re all doing an incredible job, and for that, everyone at Lifestyle Furniture is incredibly thankful.